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Women feels great after acupuncture treatment


Dr. Guadalupe Vanderhorst Rodriguez, D.Ac is committed to improving the health and well-being of individuals through a  combination of holistic approaches that include ancient Native American Healing methods and Traditional Chinese Medicine. This Indigenous Acupuncture combines the ancient wisdom that helps to increase your energy and overall well-being. Other services that will enhance your wellness Reiki, life coaching, and nutrition guidance, Kicotan Acupuncture provides a comprehensive range of services aimed at promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.

Transform Your Health

Kicotan Acupuncture offers private home visits to help you find balance and joy  in your life. We provide a wide range of holistic approaches to help you improve your mind, body, and spirit by implementing ancient indigenous and traditional Chinese Medicine techniques to promote your healing.


Indigenous Acupuncture Treats: 


  • Anxiety

  • Chronic and Acute Pain

  • Depression

  • Hypertension

  • Migraines

  • Respiratory Diseases

  • And so much more 



Our holistic services include  Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Nutrition, Reiki and Life Coaching

Lotus Flower

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Take Charge of Your Health

Kicotan Acupuncture & Holistic Healing strongly encourages individuals to proactively manage their health. Utilize these publications to effectively monitor your health information, enabling you to share valuable insights with your physician and actively track your well-being.

Things to know about Acupuncture

1. What is acupuncture?


Answer: Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) technique that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to promote healing, relieve pain, and restore balance in the body's energy flow, known as Qi.


2. How does acupuncture work?


Answer: Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body, known as acupoints, to influence the flow of Qi, which is believed to be the vital energy that circulates through the body's meridians. The stimulation of acupoints helps balance Qi and improve the body's functions, addressing various health conditions.


3. Is acupuncture painful?


Answer: Acupuncture is generally not painful. Patients may feel a mild sensation or a slight pinch when the needles are inserted, but it's usually not described as painful. The needles used in acupuncture are very thin, and any discomfort is typically brief and minimal.


4. What conditions can acupuncture treat?


Answer: Acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain (such as back pain and migraines), anxiety, depression, insomnia, allergies, digestive disorders, and infertility. It's often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments.


5. Is acupuncture safe?


Answer: Acupuncture is generally considered safe when administered by a trained and licensed practitioner using sterile needles. Adverse effects are rare and usually minor, such as soreness or bruising at the needle insertion site. It's essential to ensure that the acupuncturist follows proper hygiene and safety protocols.


6. How is an acupuncture session conducted?


Answer: During an acupuncture session, the practitioner will discuss the patient's medical history and symptoms. The patient will lie down, and the practitioner will insert thin needles into specific acupoints based on the individual's condition. The needles are typically left in place for 15-30 minutes while the patient relaxes.


7. How many sessions of acupuncture are typically needed to see results?


Answer: The number of acupuncture sessions needed varies depending on the condition being treated, its severity, and how the individual responds to acupuncture. Acute conditions may require only a few sessions, while chronic conditions may require multiple sessions over several weeks or months.


8. Are there any potential side effects of acupuncture?


Answer: Side effects of acupuncture are minimal, but they can include soreness, bruising, bleeding, or localized pain at the needle insertion site. Serious side effects are rare but may include infection or injury if proper hygiene and sterile techniques are not followed.


9. Can anyone get acupuncture?


Answer: Acupuncture is generally safe for most people, including children and pregnant women. However, individuals with bleeding disorders, those taking blood-thinning medications, or those with certain medical conditions should consult their healthcare provider before undergoing acupuncture.


10. How does acupuncture complement conventional medicine?


Answer: Acupuncture can complement conventional medicine by providing pain relief, reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, and enhancing overall well-being. It can be an effective adjunct to conventional treatments for various conditions, potentially reducing the need for medication or invasive procedures.


11. What is electroacupuncture?


Answer: Electroacupuncture involves applying a small electrical current to the acupuncture needles during a session. This enhances the stimulation of the acupoints, potentially increasing the effectiveness of the treatment for certain conditions like chronic pain or neurological disorders.


12. Is there scientific evidence supporting acupuncture's effectiveness?


Answer: Yes, there is a growing body of scientific research supporting acupuncture's effectiveness for various conditions, particularly in managing chronic pain, nausea associated with chemotherapy, and osteoarthritis. However, more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and efficacy for a broader range of health issues.


13. What is the theory behind meridians in acupuncture?


Answer: Meridians are believed to be pathways in the body through which Qi flows. Each meridian is associated with specific organs and systems. Acupuncture points along these meridians are stimulated to restore the balance of Qi and promote the body's natural healing processes.


14. Can acupuncture help with stress and anxiety?


Answer: Yes, acupuncture can be an effective complementary therapy for managing stress and anxiety. It promotes relaxation, reduces muscle tension, and may influence the release of neurotransmitters in the brain, helping individuals achieve a calmer and more balanced state of mind.


15. Is acupuncture covered by insurance?


Answer: Some health insurance plans may cover acupuncture treatments, depending on the provider and the specific policy. It's advisable to check with your insurance company to determine coverage and any requirements for reimbursement.


16. Can acupuncture be used for weight loss?


Answer: Acupuncture can be part of a comprehensive weight loss program, but it's not a standalone solution for weight loss. It may help by reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and improving digestion, but it should be combined with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes for effective weight management.


17. What qualifications should I look for in an acupuncturist?


Answer: When seeking an acupuncturist, look for a licensed and certified practitioner with appropriate training from an accredited institution. It's also important to consider their experience, reviews, and whether they follow safety and hygiene standards.


18. Can acupuncture help with fertility issues?


Answer: Acupuncture is often used to support fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI). It may help improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, regulate hormones, reduce stress, and enhance overall reproductive health, potentially increasing the chances of conception.


19. Is acupuncture suitable for children?


Answer: Acupuncture can be used for children and is generally considered safe when administered by a trained pediatric acupuncturist. It may help with various childhood conditions like allergies, digestive issues, and chronic pain.


20. Are there different types of acupuncture?


Answer: Yes, there are various types of acupuncture, including traditional acupuncture, electroacupuncture, acupressure (pressure applied to acupoints), auricular acupuncture (ear acupuncture), and scalp acupuncture. Each type may have specific techniques and applications.

"What Others are Saying"

"Thank you so much for my Treatment today"


M.H.--Champlain, New York

"You are the only one who makes me feel better"


G.C.--Chazy, New York

"Thank You, I miss our sessions"


M.D.-Tampa, Florida

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Kicotan Acupuncture

46 S. Platt Street 
Plattsburgh, New York 12901


518. 348.6200

Office Hours

Monday-Friday.....11 am-5 pm

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